序号 |
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成果类型 |
成果名称 |
刊名、刊期、出版社、ISBN号、字数、证书号、授权号、等级、出版时间、结题鉴定时间 |
作者排名 |
1 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
3D craniofacial similarity calculation and craniofacial relationship analysis based on spectral analysis method |
Multimedia Tools and Applications |
Zhang D*, Liu N, et al. |
2 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Automatic colorization for Thangka sketch-based paintings |
The Visual Computer |
Wang F, Geng S, Zhang D*, et al. |
3 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Two-Stage Generator Network for High-Quality Image Inpainting in Future Internet |
Electriconics |
Zhao P,Zhang D,GengS, ZhouM |
4 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Scale-invariant Mexican Hat wavelet descriptor for non-rigid shape similarity measurement |
Scientific Reports |
Yan Y, Zhou M, Zhang D, et al. |
5 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Average increment scale-invariant heat kernel signature for 3D non-rigid shape analysis |
Multimedia Tools and Applications |
Yan Y, Zhou M, Zhang D, et al. |
6 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
A survey of multi-source image fusion |
Multimedia Tools and Applications |
Li R,Zhou M, Zhang D, et al. |
7 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
3D Shape Similarity Measurement Based on Scale Invariant Functional Maps |
第十八届图像图形技术与应用学术会议(IGTA2023) |
Wang N,Zhang D* |
8 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Study of Information Dissemination in Hypernetworks with Adjustable Clustering Coefficient |
Applied Sciences |
Pengyue Li, Liang Wei, Faxu Li*, et al. |
9 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Identifying vital nodes in hypernetwork based on local centrality |
Journal of Combinatorial Optimization |
Faxu Li,Liang Wei, et al. |
10 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Consistency and consensus enhancing in group decision making with interval-valued intuitionistic multiplicative preference relations based on bounded confidence |
Information Sciences |
Jiu-Ying Dong, Xiao-Yun Lu*, He-Cheng Li, et al. |
11 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Consensus reaching with minimum adjustment and consistency management in group decision making with |
Expert Systems With Applications |
Xiao-Yun Lu, Jiu-Ying Dong, Shu-Ping Wan |
12 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
基于节点多关系的社团挖掘算法及其应用 |
计算机应用 |
周琳,肖玉芝*,刘鹏 |
13 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
超边内部结构对无标度超网络鲁棒性的影响 |
复杂系统与复杂性 科学 |
周斌,马秀娟*,等 |
14 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Imperceptible graph injection attack on graph neural networks |
Complex & Intelligent Systems |
陈阳,冶忠林 |
15 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
A Graph Representation Learning Framework Predicting Potential Multivariate Interactions |
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems |
杨燕琳, 冶忠林 |
16 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
超图神经网络综述 |
计算机研究与发展 |
林晶晶, 冶忠林 |
17 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Applications of Teaching Based on Virtual Reality in Agro-Pastoralism Areas |
International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education |
冶忠林,杨燕琳 |
18 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
CTNRL: A Novel Network Representation Learning with Three Feature Integrations |
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining |
唐彦龙,冶忠林 |
19 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Feature-Based Graph Backdoor Attack in the Node Classification Task |
International Journal of Intelligent Systems |
陈阳,冶忠林 |
20 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
A Novel Link Prediction Framework Based on Gravitational Field |
Data Science and Engineering |
杨燕琳, 冶忠林 |
21 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
The Analysis of Phase Synchronisation in the Uniform Scale-Free Hypernetwork |
nternational Conference of Pioneering Computer Scientists, Engineers and Educators |
杜娟,马秀娟*,等 |
22 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
新工科背景下产教融合育人的原则、问题及对策 |
中国科技产业 |
刘丹青,王宇宁,谢平 |
23 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
基于Java技术的藏汉双语学前教育云平台设计与实现 |
信息技术 |
刘丹青,李超,王青海 |
24 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
基于“蓝墨云班课”的教师职后教育模式探究 |
职业教育 |
刘丹青,王宇宁,郭连云 |
25 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
A zeroing neurodynamics‐based location method for nodes in underwater acoustic sensor network |
CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, SCI一区,TOP期刊,影响因子7.985 |
王书乔,杜秀娟*,Tiantai Deng |
26 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
A Range-Based Node Localization Scheme for UWASNs Considering Noises and Aided with Neurodynamics Model |
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica. 10(11). SCI,1区,影响因子:7.847,TOP期刊 |
王丽娟,杜秀娟*,李冲 |
27 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
IATLR: Improved ACO and TOPSIS-Based Layering Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks |
IEEE Sensors Journal,2023.02 . VOL. 23, NO. 3, pp: 3262-3269. SCI,TOP期刊,影响因子4.325 |
李冲,杜秀娟*,王丽娟 |
28 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
水声网络按序递归与限制反馈的在线喷泉码算法与分析 |
电子学报, CCF A类,EI源刊, 51(7), 2023年7月,pp: 1734-1740 |
柳秀秀,杜秀娟*,韩多亮 |
29 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
A novel and quantum-resistant handover authentication protocol in IoT environment |
Wireless Networks,2023.05, |
张帅亮,杜秀娟,刘昕 |
30 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
LSLPR: A Layering and Source-Location-Privacy-Based Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks |
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 23, NO. 19, 1 OCTOBER 2023,pp: 23676-23691 |
田晓静,杜秀娟*,王丽娟,赵蕾,韩多亮 |
31 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Cooperative Computing Offloading Scheme via Artificial Neural Networks for Underwater Sensor Networks |
applied sciences,2023,13,11886,1-22 |
刘昕,杜秀娟,张帅亮,韩多亮 |
32 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
A Layering Routing Protocol based on Node Mobility Prediction for Underwater Sensor Networks |
IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 23, NO. 20, 1 Nov.2023 |
李冲,杜秀娟,田晓静 |
33 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Trust-Aware and Fuzzy Logic-based Reliable Layering Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Networks |
Sensors,2023.12 |
韩多亮, 杜秀娟 *, 王丽娟, 柳秀秀, 田晓静 |
34 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
基于状态着色的水声网络MAC协议 |
传感技术学报. 第36卷 第 1期, pp: 124-134. 2023年1月 |
田晓静,杜秀娟*,王丽娟,李冲,韩多亮 |
35 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
水下环境监测系统综述与展望 |
计算机工程与应用,2023,59(10),pp: 65-74 |
朱铱镤,杜秀娟* |
36 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
区块链智能合约技术研究综述 |
计算机仿真,40(8),2023年8月 |
汪永菊,杜秀娟*,陈浩章 |
37 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
基于层级的水声网络单径路由协议与仿真实现 |
计算机仿真,40(6),pp: 274-306. 2023年6月 |
赵建,杜秀娟* |
38 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
水声网络路由协议实现与湖试 |
现代计算机, 第29 卷 第 10 期,pp: 50-56.2023 年 5 月 25 日 |
张振儒,杜秀娟* |
39 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
计算机网络课程思政教学设计 |
计算机产品与流通,6-87,pp: 110-112.2023.07 |
杜秀娟 |
40 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Fusion recommendation algorithm based on DeepWalk and Item-Based collaborative filtering |
International Conference on Computer Science and Management Technology (ICCSMT) pp. 340-344 |
余奕成,李荣斌,尹君* |
41 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Micromodel and Analysis of COVID-19 Based on Hypergraph |
Proceedings of International Conference on Image, Vision and Intelligent Systems 2022 (ICIVIS 2022) pp 188–196 |
Rongbin Li, Yicheng Yu ,JunYin * |
42 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Effects of climate change on vegetation dynamics of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, a causality analysis using empirical dynamic modeling |
Heliyon |
Zhaoni Li, Hongchun Qu,lin Li,Jian Zheng |
43 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
DualGGAN:A New Facial Style Transfer Network |
第五届人工智能技术与应用国际学术会议(ICAITA 2023) |
赵宇,彭春燕,张效娟 |
44 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Improved YOLOv6s algorithm for automatic detection of elements of Qinghai Farmer Painting and Thangka |
第五届人工智能技术与应用国际学术会议(ICAITA 2023) |
郭少东,彭春燕,张效娟 |
45 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
基于自适应多特征融合的双重图像退化修复网络 |
中国科学技术科学 |
赵雪雅,彭春燕,张效娟 |
46 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Research on Colorization of Qinghai Farmer Painting Image Based on GenerativeAdversarial Networks |
3CVIP 2023 |
彭春燕,赵雪雅,夏广友 |
47 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Energy consumption optimization of an IoT monitoring center based on a max-min ant colony algorithm |
wireless communications and mobile computing,vol 2023(2),pp:1-9. |
Yinghua Tong |
48 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
A review of computational offloading research based on game theory in a vehicular edge computing enviroment |
ICMIR 2023 |
Zijian Qu,Yinghua Tong* |
49 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
面向不平衡数据的肺部疾病细粒度分类模型 |
图学学报 |
刘冰 ,叶成绪* |
50 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
基于 Faster R-CNN 的轻量化遥感图像军用飞机检测模型 |
激光杂志 |
党玉龙,叶成绪* |
51 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
融合多尺度特征和上下文信息的语音增强方法 |
计算机工程,网络首发文章 |
更藏措毛,黄鹤鸣*,杨毅杰 |
52 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
基于MARS和概率规划的离群值检测算法 |
计算机工程与设计,44(9):2694-2699. |
王瑞豪,童英华* |
53 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Nscale: an efficient RAID-6 online scaling via optimizing data migration |
The Journal of Supercomputing |
谢平、元铸 |
54 |
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论文 |
A Hybrid Scheme Combining Duplications and LDPC Decoding to Reduce NAND Flash |
The Computer Journal |
张耀方、谢平* |
55 |
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论文 |
基于LSM树的键值存储系统技术研究综述 |
计算机科学 |
吕萌,谢平* |
56 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
基于LDPC读延迟的刷新和副本结合策略优化方案 |
计算机科学 |
张耀方,谢平* |
57 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Identifying Vital Nodes in Hypergraphs Based on Von Neumann Entropy |
Entropy 2023,25(9):1263 |
胡枫,田阔 |
58 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
UHIR: An effective information dissemination model of online social hypernetworks based on user and information attributes |
Information Sciences2023:119284 |
巩云超,胡枫 |
59 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
HLEGF: An effective Hypernetwork Community Detection Algorithm Based on local expansion and global fusion |
Mathematics 2023, 11(16):3497 |
王烽,胡枫 |
60 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
Hypergraph-Clustering Method Based on an Improved Apriori Algorithm |
Applied Sciences 2023, 13(19), 10577 |
陈如梦,胡枫 |
61 |
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论文 |
药物靶标超网络建模及实证分析 |
计算机仿真. 2023,40(09) |
胡枫,白立冰 |
62 |
永利集团304am登录 |
论文 |
小世界超网络传播模型及实证分析 |
电子科技大学学报. 2023,52(04) |
胡枫,王凯军 |
63 |
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论文 |
利用节点传播熵识别超网络重要节点 |
计算机工程与应用. 2023,59(19) |
吴英晗,胡枫 |